Coffee Pot

The Story of a Coffee pot

I came to town one morning in the Fall, When the leaves were turning brown, And I found that I was just in time, To see the shops a-crowding…

Bad Coffee Pot

Two coffee pots stand on the range, One for the use of the good, The other, the bad, And the good is full of coffee, But the bad is empty of…

Cleaning my Coffee Pot

A coffee pot that has to be so clean He has to wash it every day And scrub it with soap and brush And afterwards it looks no different from…

Drip Drop Drip Drop Coffee Pot

Drip Drop Drip drop, drip drop, Coffee pot, Drop drop, drip drop, Coffee pot; I’m old and rusty, I need to be replaced. I get in the way…

My friend the coffee pot

I like a coffee pot. Coffee pot, you're my friend, I would not take a million for you. I put you on the stove. I plug you in. I'll never let…

Jittery Joe

Jittery Joe was a coffee pot. Jittery Joe wasn't supposed to pop a gasket. Pots aren't supposed to pop a gasket. Pots aren't supposed to pop…

O coffee pot

O coffee pot. carafe of finely crafted glass. tripped and spilled upon my ankle last night. You better stay off the floor. or who knows what…
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